The Temple Of Knowledge


Traveler finds himself walking along the quay in the dock ward in Waterdeep. He hears from inside a tavern a loud voice announcing, “You’ve all just volunteered for an exciting life at sea. Do you want to go the easy way or the hard way!”

With that many of its patrons pour out into the street followed by a large orc. Several other orcs show themselves along the quay, ready to catch the fleeing conscripts.

After escaping life on an orc pirate ship and saving a meek priest, Brother Egil, from the same fate, Traveler hears his plea for help. Brother Egils’ childhood friend, Lucius has gone missing. Well he was missing before and he turned up but…well…its different now. He asks Traveler to sit with him and hear his tale.

They sit in the tavern, The Bilge Rat, and Brother Egil tells Traveler that: He and Lucius were friends from childhood They joined the Temple of Knowledge together and have spent their life devoted to it. Brother Egil, a pries, and Lucius, a librarian. Six years ago something strange happened. Lucius one day did not act like Lucius. He was like a complete stranger. He asked bizarre questions but remembered nothing of his life, even Brother Egil. He treated the temple as his own personal library, staying awake for days scouring the various tomes.

When he was caught violating the inner sanctum he was expelled and then completely disappeared. He was gone 4 years. He then miraculously reappeared. Remembering nothing of the past 5 years. He begged for re-admittance but was of course denied But after a private meeting with Thuron, the high priest, the temple allowed him back in the fold.

It was like old times, Brother Egil said….for the next eight or nine months. Then he started to look haggard and said he wasn’t sleeping well. Something was disturbing him but wouldn’t say what. He started asking questions about the time right before his expulsion. The high priest talked to him about it but Lucius wouldn’t let it go. He has failed to show up the last few days and so Brother Egil went to Lucius’ house. He was no where to be found.

Traveler agrees to help. He goes to Lucius’ house and finds Lucius’ diary. An assortment of entries with an ever increasing worry about odd dreams and weird “memories”. Traveler then goes to the Temple of Knowledge and persuades a scribe to allow him to talk to Thruon, the high priest. The high priest is not completely forthcoming but acknowledges that Lucius was allowed to return to the temple, in return for special gifts Lucius could provide. Returning to Lucius’ house, Traveler tells Brother Egil that Thuron seems to know more about the disappearance than he is letting on. Brother Eigil tells Traveler that he has discovered that Lucius has constructed a number of large bookcases in his small basement. The timber is new but no books remain on the shelves.

After buying the loyalty of a neighbor, Traveler discovers that Lucuis had returned recently moved in dragging multiple large trunks that were obviously heavy. He was also seen dragging them out of the house . Traveler is able to discover old drag marks and follows them. He discovers that they lead back to the Temple of Knowledge. Puzzling over this as he follows the tracks further he is ambushed by three large rat-like creatures, Okiti. They apparently need to put an end to Traveler’s inquires. After dispatching the creatures, Traveler discovers they have come out of a open sewer grate. He investigates.

He finds an underground sewer maze where the assassins have come from. He is greeted by gel-like creatures, one of which takes on the likeness of a young thin man. He seems to have retained a small portion of who he was, Lucius.

The creature that was Lucius has been drained of all his humanity and only a small potion of who he was remains. He tries to plead for help but is unable to overcome the compulsion to eliminate the intruder into the sewers.

Traveler moves through the sewers trying to avoid these creatures who seemingly keep reforming after being killed. That is until he discovers their weakness to flame.

It is then that he encounters, a creatures that seems part illithid (mind flayer) and part some aberration. Traveler knows that illithids often infect, with their spawn, other creatures often making horrific hybrids.

It seems pleased that someone or a group of someones have dispatched the Elder Brain and has now released this creature from the tyranny of the Hive Mind. It plans seem to involve capturing and using other creatures to acquire knowledge and move about the world for him and then returning and giving over their knowledge and memories.

The battle that ensues is tough but eventually the tide turns enough that Traveler is able to kill the creature.

Searching the body he discovers a curious orb filled with swirling dark energy.

He doesn’t know exactly what this creatures plans were but for now they are undone.

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