Museum Heist

Traveler sits at a tavern’s table minding his own business, lost in his own thoughts. He tries to piece together what he knows and what he can remember of his life. He feels for the young librarian that he tried to help, Lucius, who had also lost his memories of who he was. Traveler knows his tale is different from Lucius but can’t help feel for him and his horrible demise.

A tall woman strides towards him. She is powerfully built and dressed in nearly impractical finery. Her features are strong and carelessly ugly. Her grey hair shifts restlessly around her head, and she moves with athletic, impatient gestures.

She sits across from Traveler and tells him that she has watched him here and thinks that he might be able to help her.

She tells him that she requires that Traveler retrieve a diamond from within the museum of Waterdeep. It is hers and was taken from her long ago. It has taken years but she has finally tracked it to the museum. Unfortunately, she is unable to enter the museum due to its various wards.

Traveler asks a few pertinent questions including who she is and what does he gain in return.

With a roll of thunder, clouds consume the woman’s form. She doubles, triples in size, becoming a pillar of purple thunderclouds. The pillar fills the room, crackling with lightning. Glittering stars and cloud form an inhuman face, and a pair of burly purple arms spring from the swirling tempest. “I am a noble djinn, and I offer you my favor or my displeasure,” she booms.

She offers him the granting of a wish if he returns the diamond to her.

He agrees.

The diamond is somewher in the museum. She is unsure of where.
There are wards which prevent her kind (and perhaps others) from entering the musuem.
magical teleporation is obviously prevented
Most importantly, the many of the displays move in three days. It must be retrieved before it moves again.
After she leaves, Traveler hears, “So Are We Doing This!”

It seems the table he was sitting at wasn’t a table but some sort of mimic. It introduces itself as Tiberius Able the IV.

Well, a mimic might come in handy.

They go to the museum, pay it’s entrance fee and move about the museum. They find:

Many if not all valuable displays are protected by some sort of force cage.
There is a display of a large merfolk creature, which floats in a massive tank of clear water, which wears a crown holding a large diamond.
There are several large dog-like statues that sit upon pedestals in every nook and cranny of the musuem.
Guards as well as curators move about the museum. The curators, sometimes boringly, recite information as people move into an exhibit.
They meet a noble, who, in order to perhaps teach him humility by his father, had worked here for a short time.
He offers to show them around and they discover:
He has a key to certain offices and perhaps other locked rooms.
They easily distract him and take his key as he is showing them an office protected by a darkness spell.
There is a library/storage area beneath the museum past one of the protected offices.

Moving into the basement they easily persaude an over-worked scribe to return to the museum upstairs. They then take their time moving into the inner sanctum of the library discovering a large magic sigil on the floor.

This must be what is protecting the museum and the displays. They work to discover how to disengage it.

Unfortunately, it is protected by a thick sheet of clear quartz crystal. Above them is a crystal globe poison gas.

Traveler prepares to break the crystal while Tiberus Able (T.Able) moves towards the door expecting the worse. Traveler sends his echo floating above the sigil and, in a blink, swaps places. He falls down towards the sigil, sword pointing down and as he crashes down the protective quartz crystal cracks.

The cracking of the crystal triggers the trap. The globe of poison gas above them shatters, raining down glass everywhere and the poison gas cloud fills the air. At the exact same time, metal shutters slam close over the doors preventing creatures and gas from escaping the room.

With the poison eating into them, Traveler stabs at the door enough to pierce a small hole. Looking through the hole he can see the other side and sends his Echo to the library chamber on the other side….the swaps places. Tiberius is slowly able to ooze through the hole and soon both on back on the other side.

Alarms can be heard going off somewhere and soon a guard comes down the stairs into the library to check. Tiberius cloaks himself over Traveler taking the form of the curators uniform….as best he can remember. Together Traveler and Tiberius try to convince the guard, who is tapping an amulet to the collar of one of the dog-like statues, that they hare already checked everything out.

The dog statue comes alive and as the guard is in the process of activating the other dog statue he becomes wary of the odd intruder in the library. Just as the other dog statue is activated, the battle ensues.

It is a long and bitterly fought battle. At one point, while Tibuerius is smothering and biting the face of the guard, he is able to retrieve the control amulet from the guard. Trying to tap the control amulet to the guard dogs collar seems more daunting when it is alive and trying to bite you.

Finally the two of them are able to de-activate one of the guard dogs, kill the guard…

But the remaining guard dog is able to subdue both of the would be diamond thieves.


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