
I woke up to my master finishing a ritual. It was the ritual that gave me life, and him a servant. My master is known as Lazarus, he is a powerful Lich. He originally gave me life to help him gather spell ingredients, clean up experiments, and just regular house chores.

In my past life I remember being the leader of a small Kobold army, we tried to kill the ancient copper dragon Nudrie. She had killed all of us with the help of Lazarus, who then reanimated our corpses for servants.

Lazarus had built his lair in Nudrie’s lair, so they could protect each other and master often gave her gifts as a thank you for letting him use her lair. After a year or so most of the other Bonebolds were dead or gone, the few that remained were too lazy to leave.

I loved helping master and he loved teaching me different things. He even took me to the world of Eberron a couple times, it was there that I became an Artificer with the help of my master and some gnome guy.

After that master took me to his phylactery in the Feywild, he needed me to guard it because there was a paladin that decided master was evil and wanted to destroy him.

After 4 years master came back and said the paladin was taken care of and I could return home. Nudrie got sick shortly after and needed master to heal her, he said it would take a long time to complete and would be very difficult. I wouldn’t be able to help with the cure, so master said I was now free to do as I wished.

With that, I set out on a grand adventure to do something. I’ll figure out what that something is on the adventure.

Bonebold Artificier

Personality Traits

I constantly make jokes about being a skeleton
and always laugh at them. I like being noticed and talked about so I always try to make sure everyone can see me.


I’m loyal to my friends not to any ideals


My master is like a father to me.


I eat every piece of food that is given to me


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