I, Halvar Bjargbarn, was born and raised on the Greypeak Mountains, located east of the city of Waterdeep. My culture is very family oriented, with a deep respect for the elders of the tribe. In the Fjellkin tribes we hold a most sacred position, called the Crag-Warden. I come from a strong bloodline, with many past Crag-Wardens coming from my ilk. The latest and current Warden is my Elderfather, Orn.

Three summers have came and went, since my brother Stolt went on Banen, a pilgrimage for prospecting Crag-Wardens. My tribe has yet to hear word from my brother of his quest. The Elders growing concerns lead my Elderfather to offer himself in following my brother’s trail, and find word of what had happened.

“The fate of our mountain means more to us than the fate of one, as a Crag-Warden should know!”, reprimanded one of the elders. This was a statement of sound counsel that none of the gathered could deny. The eldest spoke next. “Perhaps that role could be filled by another?”. I volunteered, and the Elders dubbed my quest “Banen”, a trial befitting a Crag-Warden.

So I set out towards the City of Waterdeep, as my brother had three summers ago. My search had led me to an adventurer recruitment center called the Trollskull Champions Guild. With all the funds my tribe sent for me, I joined the guild. With its good standings, and far reach, I hope their resources will aid my search.

Now with feelers set out in Waterdeep, and nothing but time to yield results, I have accepted work with the Trollskull Champions Guild. This quest is quite the undertaking, which will see me heading north to the City of Neverwinter. Perhaps upon my return to Waterdeep, I will have word of my brother’s whereabouts.

With storms high above, and pasture far below. Watch over what I hold dear. Protect that which I cherish. And provide all that I need. In the name of the Mountain Mother, Stor Steinblokk. Guide us.

Drow Noble

Personality Traits

Pensive, Devout, Pious, Protective, Influential & Rash


Power. If i can attain more power, no one will tell me what to do.


I will face any challenge and win. My allies will revere me, while my enemies will fear my wrath.


Once I have a goal, I abandon other needs in my life to pursue it.


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