
When I was very young it was discovered that I have magical powers. Because of that I was removed from my home and shipped off to a school of elf wizards. I was considered a witch at home, and therefore became an outcast. My parents have shunned me since the day I arrived at school. Since I was merely a human, the elves also viewed me as an outcast.

Having only one friend as a child has left me desperate for
friendship, but also very cautious of others. This is because it was my one and only friend who told my parents about my magical skills.


My feline friend Harry is now my only friend, and I owe him
my life. He was my childhood pet, who I took with me to school. A prank took place where he was killed. Since he is and was my only friend, vowed that I would find a way to get him back, and I did. Due to my only friend being a dead cat,
I am horribly awkward in social situations.



Harry – Beloved Of Eda

Human – Wizard


I love helping others, but I will only help them if they are nice to me, I know I can trust them, and I know they would help me in return.

Nothing should fetter the infinite possibility
inherent in all existence.


I would do anything to protect Harry, and I trust his judgement so much that I will do whatever he asks of me.

I’ve been searching my whole life for the answer to certain questions; why did my friend share my secret? why would they do that to me, knowing the outcome.


I want to make the friend who caused me to suffer, suffer even more.

The rage is rooted deep inside of me, and comes out when I see others inflicting emotional or physical pain onto someone.

I speak without really thinking through my words, invariably insulting others. I guess having no friends can do that to you.


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