Messick Elfblood

My mother was adventurous and my father was lucky.

Growing up in a orc tribe taught me to be tough.

War is where I first met the Lady Sirius, the one who blessed me with the power to change things. It is this power that I fear the creature wants. I haven’t seen it, but I know it follows me, never far from my heels.

I travelled the Feywild searching for a cure. The Elven Counsels wouldn’t grant me audience. The Gnomes joked, robbed, and cast me out.

The Fairy Kingdom lent me aid, but little help could be found. They thought if I left the feywild the  creatures ties might be severed. The mages set a teleportation circle to the world of Toril.

So I set out with the fourth child of King Saffron, the Princess Elora. An adventurous young fairy looking to help solve everyone’s problems.

Elf-Orc – Cleric

Personality Traits

• I tend to think of myself as a leader. Modeling
myself after the Lady Sirius
• I am often quick to send justice upon the wicked, even if my methods aren’t always seen by others as “sound”.
• I have a legendary sweet tooth.

• Although killing is commonplace within my life, death by my hand still weights on my conscience.
• I often glances around from the feeling of being watched
•Sirius will inconsistently show herself to me, but only when I’m by myself


I’m  the monster that destroys other monsters


Follower of Sirius. The Dog Queen is a goddess of justice, protection, faith, and retribution.


I’m paranoid and impulsive


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