Gunter Davis

I was born in a small village in the mountains, I don’t remember it’s name or location. I had 3 older brothers and a sister that was born shortly after I turned 2. When I was around 5 my siblings and me went for a hike in the mountains, we heard some strange noises and decided to check it out. We saw some orcs and heard them talking about raiding our village.

My oldest brother drew his sword but was too scared to fight. We decided to run back home but an Orc found us. I grabbed my brothers sword and charged at the Orc, he picked me up by my arm before I could even swing at him.

He was laughing so hard he didn’t notice my siblings run away. The orcs ended up taking me back to their camp. I realized quickly that I was able to entertain them with my swordsmanship, because of this they kept me around and raised me as their own.

On one of our raids I found a weird shrine in the village with a cool sword in it. I claimed it and as I touched it I heard a voice that called herself the Raven Queen.

She taught me how to use the magic sword I found. As I turned 25 I decided to leave the tribe and explore the world. After I said my goodbyes I started travelling the world entertaining all I met with my performances.

Human – Bard/Warlock

Personality Traits

I’m always happy and full of energy. I rarely turn down a fan


The main thing I live for is seeing smiling faces from my performances


I struck a deal with the Raven Queen for my hex blade, so all my kills are dedicated to her.


I have ADHD, so if I try to remain still or quiet for a long time I must make a concentration saving throw or start some sort of performance.


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